Terms and Conditions Membership

Terms and Conditions Membership

Terms and Conditions membership

These general conditions apply to all classes, trainings and other services of Nakama Gym. These are made available at the start of the membership and are available free of charge at the training location.

Membership (entering into, duration, termination):

1. The membership is entered for at least one month and is automatically renewed every month. The membership only relates to specified lessons/trainings for the indicated duration, price and days. The membership is strictly personal and not transferable.

2. The membership includes (as a starting point) a fixed day and time for the lesson or training, unless a membership with unlimited participation is closed or (in consultation) another day/time is allowed by Nakama Gym.

3. Upon cancellation, a noticed period of one month must be observed. Notice of the membership must be done in writing by means of a change form at the correspondence address that is mentioned on the website of Nakama Gym (www.nakama-gym.nl). Cancellation must take place before the first day of the month, after which the membership will end the following month. Until the end of the membership you can of course, continue to follow the lessons.

Contribution (payment, adjustment):

4. The contribution will be debited monthly by Nakama Gym by direct debit (SEPA direct debit) of the account specified by the member, to which an authorization form will be signed.

5. In the event of late receipt of indebted amounts, for whatever reason (reversal, unsufficient balance, etcetera), Nakama Gym will offer the direct debit of the bank once more. Nakama Gym is entitled but not obliged to offer the collection to the bank afterwards. If no payment is received after the second attempt, collection costs will be charged.

6. The contribution is due during the membership, regardless of whether the lessons/trainings/other facilities are being used. In case of prevention, no refund of contribution will be granted.

7. Nakama Gym is entitled to an interim change of the membership fee. In the event of a change, the member is entitled to end the membership with the observance of the notice period of article 2, with the proviso that during the remaining period of the membership the then current contribution will continue to apply.

Risk (acceptance, exoneration):

8. The member is aware that the lessons and trainings given by Nakama Gym relate to martial art/contact sport and that this involves an increased risk of injury and/or damage. Nakama Gym will endeavour to limit these risks, but by participating the lessons/trainings the member accepts this increased risk.

9. The member is responsible for the purchase (and use) of valid means against injuries or damages, such as shin guards and gloves. Nakama Gym can advise and/or mediate with the purchase if required but does not assume any liability with regards to these protective equipment.

10. The member indemnifies Nakama Gym and its intstructors with regards to damage or injuries, during or after the lessons/training, both for themselves and for third-party claims, expect in the case of intent. In any case, liability shall not exceed the coverage given or recognized by Nakama Gym’s insurer.

11. Nakama Gym offers the free possibility to deposit belongings such as wallets, car keys, mobile phones during the lessons. Nevertheless, Nakama Gym is not liable for loss and/or theft and/or damage of goods of members.

Rules of conduct:

12. The member is obliged to follow the instructions regarding behaviour and safety of the Nakama Gym instructors at all times. In the event of causing nuisance or showing undesirable behaviour, Nakama Gym has the right – after a warning – to terminate the membership with immediate effect, without the member being entitled to any refund.

13. The member is obliged to use appropriate clothing for the lessons/training, including in particular the Nakama T-shirt received by the membership. The clothing with the Nakama logo may in principle also be worn outside the lessons/trainings, provided that this does not detract from the good name and reputation of Nakama Gym in any way. In case of violation, Nakama Gym has the right to terminate the membership with immediate effect, without the member being entitled to any refund.

14. The member is entitled to use the facilities of Nakama Gym prior to and after the lessons/trainings. The member must respectfully deal with the items provided and have to leave the used spaces neatly.


15. With the membership, the member commits himself to the condition that during the membership and during a period of two years after the end of the membership, no lessons and/or training in martial arts/contact sports can be given, nor independently, or in paid employment, within a radius of 15 kilometers from the establishment of Nakama Gym in Harderwijk. In case of violation of this proviso, the member will forfeit a fine of 25,000.


What others are saying...

  • This is one of the few gyms where everyone is treated with such respect and pleasure.

    - Wesley & Hero

  • Nakama helped me a lot with losing weight, it's a nice group with a lot of respect.

    - Jonathan

  • I train with Nakama because I want to increase my confidence in myself and to know and respect my limits.

    - Hendri

  • Nakama is the place to clear my mind!

    - Marinda

  • Nakama is that real shit to train, really cool!!!

    - Florian

  • I found it difficult in the beginning, because you learn a lot from the first training. And it is very educational, you learn to work together and much more.

    - Nadim Khajjouti

  • Fighting; sometimes against an opponent, often with yourself, but never alone. That's Nakama!

    - Mirthe

  • Nice training in a fun group.

    - MIke

  • A real group where you get to know and push your limits in a safe and pleasant environment under the very pleasant and professional guidance of John Kuipers.

    - Martijn

  • To go all in every training, with respect for each other!

    - Bram

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