Emotion regulation

Emotion regulation

What are emotions?

An emotion is often described as an inner experience or feeling of, for example, joy, fear, anger or sadness that can be evoked by a certain situation or can occur spontaneously.

Emotions are not only associated with subjective, but also with physical reactions and certain expressions in behavior.

These can be big, special events, but also less big everyday things where tension rises and is expressed through fear, sadness and / or anger.

Many people can handle this and it does not give any problems, but this is not the case for everyone, for whatever reason. Then it is not possible to keep these feelings under control. In daily life we ​​have to deal with different situations and they can evoke different reactions (emotions) per situation. Emotion Regulation Therapy (ERT) can help you with this.

At ERT there are 3 things that are essential:

  • Notice the feeling
  • Recognize the feeling
  • Dealing with the feeling

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  • To go all in every training, with respect for each other!

    - Bram

  • I always find the lessons very instructive and I can always lose my energy!

    - Fabian

  • Great workout. This way I stay in good shape and a nice group that helps you with that.

    - Frank

  • Nakama is the place for me to get rid of all the stress of everyday life!

    - Martijn

  • Nakama is that real shit to train, really cool!!!

    - Florian

  • I enjoy training with Nakama because we really work as a team! OSU

    - Anonymous

  • A real group where you get to know and push your limits in a safe and pleasant environment under the very pleasant and professional guidance of John Kuipers.

    - Martijn

  • I found it difficult in the beginning, because you learn a lot from the first training. And it is very educational, you learn to work together and much more.

    - Nadim Khajjouti

  • Great training in a fun environment!

    - Quinten

  • Nakama helped me a lot with losing weight, it's a nice group with a lot of respect.

    - Jonathan

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